Thursday, March 08, 2007

Little known facts...

So SOMEONE tagged me in a chain blog, and SOMEONE also made comments about the lack of posting. That SOMEONE also threatened to force fermented tofu on me were I ever to arrive in Japan, so SOMEONE best watch her back... cuz I'm vengeful!

The game: Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs!

My variation of this game involves giving the 10 things, and not tagging anybody, because I can only think of like one other person to tag at this point. Sooooooo...

1. While it is public knowledge that I am a die-hard Full House fan, what may be misunderstood is the fact that I sincerely love the show, and not in any kind of ironic it's-so-bad-it's-good kind of way.

2. While in Taiwan for a month during college, I consumed a number of rather disgusting things. The one that tasted the worst was in fact a fermented soy product. We were offered on several occasions what was either called "stinky tofu" or "spicy tofu," but the former is the most apt description. It was vile, and wretched, and it left its flavor and smell on every dish and utensil it touched. Fried is slightly less disgusting than boiled. The other disgusting thing I ate was fried chicken sphinxter muscle. No, I'm not lying. Yes, I'm serious. And no, I did not realize what I was eating. But yes, I was pretty sure they were feeding me something that was gross to my American palat, but I ate it anyway.

3. When in high school and through college, I experimented with many, many, MANY career options. I wanted to be something different every week. Freshman year I went from potter to photographer. Sophomore year I wanted to be an actor, photographer and author. Junior year my photographer and author tendancies led me to journalism. Senior year I thought journalism, then english teacher, and eventually psychologist. Throughout college I stuck with psychology, but considered a number of other careers. Obviously I ended up with journalism. The only common career hope throughout this time was ROCK GOD. Which never really panned out.

4. It's a career thought, but worth its own entry. I considered for a time going into the ministry in the Episcopal Church. Then I found myself entirely unhappy with christianity in general and backed away considerably. I still consider myself a spiritual person, but I have a lot of trouble with christian theology. Today, I couldn't possibly imagine who in their right mind would ever want to be ordained, but that's just me.

5. "The Iron Giant," "Toy Story 2," and "The Royal Tennenbaums" all make my cry. As does the last chapter of "The House On Pooh Corner."

6. I come from a family of avid crossword players, and it appears recently that I married one too (my house is regularly scattered with a number of used crosswords) I enjoy them, and yet I am only able to completely finish about one in every 50 that I try.

7. I have a strong affinity for 2nd place. Not any specific 2nd place, just 2nd place in general. I adopted this frame of mind because I a) had an older brother and b) wanted to avoid conflict at all times. So because of this, I guarded 2nd place and 2nd best of anything with a ferocity. I figured that not many people would be gunning for 2nd best of anything, so as the 2nd born I tended to opt that way. Everyone yelled out for the BEST of one thing, be it toy or seat placement in the car during a road trip. When I was younger, I figured that if I yelled out for the 2nd thing first, everyone else would be arguing over the best, which would inevitably go to someone else anyway. When it comes to being second, I'm FIRST!

8. I was really, REALLY into the Phantom of the Opera when I was in Jr. High. I'm not really sure why, but it became the focus of halloween costumes for a couple years. I figured it was because he was a villain that looked way snazzy, and got to wear a cloak. I also was under the delusion that The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Weber was in fact an honest to goodness opera, and I thought an opera that had an overture like that (with all the drums and badassness) had to be freaking awesome.

9. Earwigs scare the freaking crap out of me.

10. I fight for the black jelly beans. In my family, no one but me and my dad seemed to like them. Maybe Daniel. Anyway, I went for those first. Which I'm sure people appreciated more than my phase when I tried to eat every red jellybean on Easter morning before we went to church. I think I thought it would be funny, like in a Sunday comic or something. Oh that Aaron! Every year, eating all the red jellybeans! It never really worked out like that.

There it is! I tag no one, but if you're interested, go for it folks.


At 3:34 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

SOMEONE capitulated! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Never give children what they demand (as opposed what they want), it sets a dangerous precedent.

From whence the dislike for earwigs?

At 4:34 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

I knew when I wrote the above I was going to eat my words...

So how is life in newspaperland? Are we feeling groovy?

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Josh U. Wah said...

(Porch, that is; hey there.)

If you both like crosswords -- and if you haven't done what I am about to suggest already -- you must rent the movie Wordplay. I think you'll like it. It has Will Shortz in it, and a whole bunch of other crossword puzzle fanatics. To boot, it's a well-done documentary. See it.


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