Thursday, January 03, 2008


Maybe it's the Buffy fan in me, but whip-smart, sarcastic high schoolers crack me up, especially when they yell "THUNDERCATS ARE GO!" when they realize they're going into labor.

I really can't recommend this movie enough. Ellen Page is a crack up, but for me it's the stellar side performances from J. K. Simmons and Michael Cera (aka George Michael from Arrested Development).

(Side note. Michael Cera, you rule, but you're doomed to playing the same role for the rest of your life.)

My affection for the lad is all about the heart he put into his performance, the fact that he mumbled and stuttered every line, including the best moment in the film when he's had enough of Juno's sarcastic dismissal of their one night stand.

Juno glibly mocks him for assuming they would get married after having sex, to which he replies "I wouldn't want to marry you anyway. You'd be the meanest wife ever."


Point is, I've not seen a lot of movies lately, and I'm glad I actually went out to see this one, rather than wait for video like I do with most romantic comedy type movies.

Peep out the trailer here!

edit: I would be remiss if I didn't mention the moment in the film that was clearly lifted from any number of arguments I had with my older brother during our teenage years, in which Juno (playing the role of ME) yells at Jason Bateman (in the roll of Chris) "Oh, and I listened to Sonic Youth and it sucked! It was nothing but noise!"


At 1:57 AM, Blogger Chris Burkhalter said...

hate. you.


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