Putting my money where my mouth is...
So, I can be kinda outspoken about a few things, much to the delight of all around me I'm sure.
One of the biggest is my enthusiasm for participatory media. How hot is it that one can not only go online to find music, video, entertainment, news, commentary et al, but they can also make any one of those themselves? It's a great world we're in now in that we can not only choose what media we embrace (it's amazingly easy to find music outside the norm) but we can also introduce ours to an audience too.
A few of my favorite cases in point:
We Will Build — An electronic group with two albums, available only on their website, available for free no less. Great music. A band that few would have actually heard of until they decided to throw their music online for all to hear.
This little video — Some guy took "In The Morning" by the Junior Boys and spliced together clips from the film "Band of Outsiders" in a way that really works, far better than many other such attempts. It's very slick.
So I'm super excited about this stuff, and will wax poetic, and speak quite a bit about the many things I'd like to do to contribute to this trend — the websites, the home movies, all of that... but I've never followed through.
I don't tend to follow through because, well, I can get kinda lazy. I'm better at spending money to allow me to do new and interesting things than I am at actually doing those things.
Point I'm getting at? I'm trying to break that habit now... I've been dinking around at home, trying to create some music that I've long said I would create, and I've actually finished something I'm willing to share with others. That's really all I've got to say about it... below download my track I've really only titled "C Minor" because, well, that's the key it's in. It's a number of different loops created in various ways, and a piano track laid over the top of it all.
Enjoy, and if you hate it, lie to me. Oh, and if you hate or find laughable the name under which this track is credited, also lie to me. I'd cry....
A Gentleman and a Scholar - C Minor
I greatly hope that there will be more such music in the future. Riddle me just insanely excited that I've actually recorded something I wrote.