Friday, January 25, 2008

"I Feel It All" by Feist

Feist is more than a great songwriter and performer. She makes the best music videos I've seen in years. Seriously. Youtube em up! And the best part, many of her videos are single shot takes with elaborate scenes of dancers and, in this case, fireworks. Watching the above video made me think about the massive amount of time and energy it must have taken to organize.

And if that video wasn't enough, check out this and this. And if you're not sick of that Apple commercial yet, her video for 1234 is amazing.

update: I'm a totally bad blogger in not giving credit where credit is due. Somebody in Germany alerted me to this hot hot video, and it wasn't Chris... it was his mathematical counterpart, Kelly... Happy Year of the Mathematician!


At 4:50 AM, Blogger Kelly Jabbusch said...

I see no shout out to anyone who might have tipped you onto this video. Perhaps you were already in the know, but then I would have expected some snide comment to my email.

I must add Gawker's great description of Feist: "Canadian chanteuse Feist is like Charlotte Gainsbourg minus the pedigree mixed with Arcade Fire minus the manparts plus Cat Power minus the blah whatever diva moodiness with some Patti Smith minus the ugly."

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Aaron Burkhalter said...

I'm a bad blogger. Credit was due and I failed to credit it... it's up there now, though 90 percent of my million or so viewers have already read through it, a good 100,000 or so will read it by now...

I dig the description...


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