Monday, November 07, 2005

Mike Love Sues Brian Wilson, Discord/Harmony Reporter Loses His Cool

Pitchfork media reports that the associated press reports the Beach Boy Mike Love is suing Beach Boy Brian Wilson over the Smile album. According to Love's lawyers Wilson used the Beach Boy moniker to promote and sell the album, and since Love owns the Beach Boys moniker, he's taking Wilson's smiley butt to court.

The article can be found here!

I'm all about journalistic integrity, and I'd love to remain objective, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to stray a little bit here and say this:

Mike Love! You're a musical hack and the only reason you were any good is because Brian Wilson was at the helm of the Beach Boys. As soon as Wilson backed down (with no help from you Mr. Love) from running the Beach Boys you'll notice your records made a slow decline off of the Billboard Charts. In addition, that patented sound of the Beach Boys was f-ing creating by Brian Wilson. You hated Smile and were instrumental in bringing it down (I won't deny that Brian's use of LSD and subsequent insanity certainly helped, Mr. Love, but you were there to help give him the heave-ho over the edge).

So I majored in psychology, so please let me give you a bogus diagnosis. You're just bitter that he finally created the album that marks the downfall of the Beach Boys, critics loved it, it actually charted (unlike the Beach Boys albums in which you had more artistic control) and you're hoping to cash in. I can't wait to see you come out and talk about how brilliant you though tSmile was in the next Boys documentary.

Leave the dude alone. You've got enough cash of the Beach Boys.


At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for lost cool! :)

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Kyle said...

Cyberninjas attack! You are dead my friend.

Sorry about that; my goal is not to start up that old war again, but just to say hi. Thanks for the visit to my blog; I thought I should return the favor. Your blog looks pretty "swanky" as though some kind of respectable and published journalist was behind the posts. It humbles me in light of the fact that my blog is "rarely updated" and "several posts appear to have been composed by a monkey of some kind... possibly a sandwich monkey."

At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what on earth is a sandwich monkey? Like a specially-bred monkey that's only slaughtered to make cold cuts? That's creepy... and now I'm disturbed. (wait for it) and hungry.

At 4:31 PM, Blogger Aaron Burkhalter said...

Jon, I think you've hit the concept of the sandwich monkey on the head... which of course killed it. Who wants monkey cuts??!!

Kyle, Thanks for stopping by! I actually bookmarked your blog so I'll be checking it far more often... Woo hoo!!!

Whoever, I tried to use this blog as a method of venting my personal angst at Mike Love, but as Megan can confirm, I failed. She had to hear me rant for way too long, especially given that this really has little/no bearing on my own life...


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