Sunday, June 18, 2006


So I've been out of it for a while, but I did want to take a moment to feel happy about being finished with one chapter of my life. I graduated today, and it felt really good to walk across that stage, have my name read and get hooded! I wanted to keep it cool and downplay things, but I really was excited. Not only that, since I was getting my masters degree, I get to wear the cool, snazzy and colorful hood shown below on the left, in beautiful UO yellow and green.

And like most graduations, I got to walk across the stage but I receive only an empty folder with the UO emblem on the front. On the inside, in place of my degree, sits a sheet of paper highlighting the many different ways I can give the University of Oregon money, since I'm all employable now... or at least that's the idea.

Megan also had a great accomplishment this week. She's not big on ceremonies, so she did not participate in her own, but she completed her student teaching and is now eligable to apply for her teaching certificate. She'll complete her masters over the summer.

I'm going to miss the University of Oregon quite a bit, and in my year here in Eugene I've caught the yellow and green bug which makes me swell up with pride whenever I hear about something from my now alma mater. I'm going to go buy a UO green sweatshirt and strut around town all puff chested and standing tall. Cuz dammit... I'm a duck!

Go Ducks!

I'll get back to posting something more interesting next week, including this weeks show. Coming up, my last KWVA show, and hopefully the big thing I've been hinting at for months now. I'd really better follow through on that or I know my many fans will riot... or at least you'd better, because I'd have hurt feelings if you didn't.

Friday, June 02, 2006

KWVA Playlist for Friday, June 2, 2006

[UPDATE] A little monkey informed me that the files I linked below were duplicates. Both parts led our gentle readers/listeners to the same file. This has since been remedied. Both Part 1 and Part 2 of last weeks show are available online. Also, by request, or reminder that I'd promised to update this already, I've reposted Another Sunny Day: The First Ever Discord/Harmony Mix!. You can download it here or see the original post here.

Also, I turned in my final project to my advisor. He will either give it his stamp of approval, or, more likely, send it back for some revision. This is good news because it means I'm actually done writing the three main articles for my project. After this I only need to take some photographs, put together a few charts and type up a sidebar or two. I'm on my way to graduation! Woot!!!! What this means for you? I'll be getting to some fun projects I hope to have up here on the website. I'm finishing up my radio stint at KWVA (sadness!) but I hope that this will allow me to do another already mentioned but not yet revealed project/surprise. And no, it's not leftover peeps this time either.

As always, stop by my blog about the news, media and writing over at Because NPR Always Ignores My Submissions.

I love my new time slot! The sun is actually starting to rise when I come in! It's great!

And it's only an hour, so I get to cram in only the very best music. It makes for a much better show. Normally when I come in I'm prepared for about an hour of whatever I'm really excited about which I then spread out. Today I had to make cuts from the set as I went along, and a few of them were slightly painful to cut. But that's okay because they'll be on next week's show.

I mentioned on the air that I would direct listeners towards the tracks that as of yet cannot be found in stores. We Will Build can be found at their on their My Space page where they have a number of tracks available for download. I misspoke about I'm From Barcelona. Their album just came out in April, and can be ordered through their official website.

Without further adeu, here's the show in mp3 format and the set list:

Part 1
Part 2

New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
Gnarls Barkley - Go Go Gadget Gospel
Belle and Sebastian - The Blues Are Still Blue
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
Blackalicious - Powers
Jem - Just A Ride


Gloria Jones - Tainted Love
The Pipettes - Pull Shapes
We Will Build - Pleasant
Jason Collett - I'll Bring The Sun
I'm From Barcelona - We're From Barcelona
Bruce Springsteen - Old Dan Tucker
Isolee - Schrapnell
Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire - How Indiscreet

Highlights I was glancing over the list realizing just how many of these tracks would have made highlights status were there not other competition, not to mention the couple that were actually highlights in previous playlists. But choices must be made...

Isolee - Schrapnell

I haven't heard the entire album yet, but this one Isolee track rocks my world like nothing else. I received this from a bafoon who I'm told has left the crazy world of blogging. How sad. But then again, he is a baffoon, is he not? I can listen to this on repeat for freakin' EVER! Rock yr booty!

The Pipettes - Pull Shapes

Ah the Pipettes. Album comes out this summer and I've got my brother picking it up for me when he goes to Germany because they don't love us enough to release it in the US. That's okay Pipettes... we still love you. Eventually you'll come around and give some love state side. And we will rock rock on... This track is also for the booty shaking. They are just plain fun. Songs about dancing, songs about refusing to fall in love while dancing, songs about being heart broken from the observation of dancing. Pretty much any variation on anything that can happen in a dance club is their bread and butter.

Andrew Bird's Bowl of Fire - How Indiscreet

It's been a while since I threw Mr. Bird down here. I've been pretty good about not turning this show into "Aaron Burkhalter Presents: THE ANDREW BIRD HOUR!" and I'm quite pleased that I've held myeslf to that. I also prefer to reserve the highlights section for music that's a little newer to my ears, but I'm highlighting this track because it was a welcome rediscovery. I love The Swimming Hour because every once in a while I toss it on the CD player only to discover that I love yet another track on the album. I've always loved the whole album, but nearly every track has at one time played the part of my favorite track on the album. It's a rare album that can do that. I like to imagine that Bird is performing this song in a shiney silver suit for a crowd of screaming fans. Women are screaming, men are fainting, babies are rocking out, old folks can do nothing but look at each other and say "my word!" Oh, did I mention that in this scenario Bird's violin is silver too? It's a very happy place inside of my brain.

Requests: Thanks for the call ins. I was only able to find one track sadly... but we do the best we can around here.

Next Show: Friday, June 9! These are the last few shows. I'm going to have to find something else to come up with for this blog at that time. I actually have big plans after I leave KWVA... but for the moment I will keep those plans a secret, so as to surprise you in a manner most exciting. EXCITEMENT!

Thursday, June 01, 2006


My KWVA slot is now from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. on Fridays. Hop on by and listen online or if you're in Eugene tune in to 88.1 FM. This is one of my last four shows, so I'm hoping to have some good stuff lined up for you.