Sunday, July 23, 2006

You probably don't have to guess the subject of this post...

...because 9 times out of 10 I'm ranting about Andrew Bird.

And the blessed man has more than made up for his east coast tour which came no where near the humble mountain ranges and tree-filled valleys of the Northwest. The man is doing FIVE shows from Oregon to B.C. in September, and I will be attending TWO of them. Why? Because the man is brilliant. Let me encourage all my northwest chums to take advantage and check this man out in his best element, along with electronic musician and percussionist Martin Dosh. I'm all a-flutter with excitement.

Sept 26 - The Wow Hall - Eugene, Ore.
Sept 26 - Aladdin Theater - Portland, Ore.
Sept 28 - Chop Suey - Seattle, Wash. ***
Sept 29 - Media Club - Vancouver, B.C.
Sept 30 - The Nightlight - Bellingham, Wash. ***

*** I'm working the merch booth at these two shows, so you should come by and buy lots of CDs!

Also, as is ALWAYS good news, Mr. Bird is in the studio preparing an album for an early 2007 release. But he loves us so much that he's putting out a live album this fall, which we can only hope will be available by the time he's trotting around this side of the globe.

His live performances are quite a sight, and I highly HIGHLY encourage y'alls to go peep him out! If you don't believe me, listen below:

Andrew Bird - A Nervous Tic Motion Of The Head To The Left (Live in Amsterdam)

Andrew Bird - Sovay (Live on KCRW)

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Just checking in...

...because I'm tired of seeing myself on the top of the page! Push that green and yellow punk down!

I've got nothing to offer here just yet, but I wanted to post something to let y'alls know that I've not abandoned my blog (unlike SOME people).

I've got this whole list of things I want to do here and the only reason they're not posted now is because I've been working on them, so fun times to come.

I'm hoping also to post the last KWVA show, though it wasn't the great go out with a bang show I had hoped.

Also, I'll have a few things up on my other blog other blog. Having two seems odd, and rather inconvenient, but I'm hoping it'll seem clear where I'm going with this one soon and it'll make sense why I'm keeping them separate.

Anyway, talk to y'alls soon! And I've got some time now so I'll actually be trolling around peoples blogs again... woot!