Monday, November 14, 2005

Cash prizes!

I've got $100 for the person that can give me a 4 to 6 page analysis of Doug Underwood's book, From Yahweh to Yahoo: The Religious Roots of the Secular Press by 2:30 a.m. It needs to be decently written of course, and include criticism of the book, and if you're able, toss in some current events, comparing the ideas to what is happening now. Get it to me by 2:30 a.m. November 14th, and you my friend have earned $100. Payment will be disbursed upon my finding that the paper will earn me a minimum B grade. An A will get you not only the $100, but my praise and admiration. Oh, and you're not to speak of this to anyone, especially not my professor.


p.s. In actuality I will be writing the paper on my own, and not accepting anything. I don't have $100 to give you anyway. But if you contact me between now and 3 a.m. I will whine about the fact that I am still writing my paper to you, for FREE!


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