Cat Power truly is the greatest

The Greatest is just that folks. I really dig this music. It's soulful, twangy and smooth. The backing band is perfect for Chan Marshall's songwriting here. As I stated in the review, this might be considered music fit for Starbucks, but I'm not complaining. I like it quite a bit, and if it jettisons Marshall into the world of adult contemporary, so be it. I'll to busy listening to "The Moon" on repeat.
I can't help but grumble a little bit that my article was shortened. It's a fact of life. I wish I'd suggested a different paragraph to cut, but that's the way it goes. I would add here, since it was cut from the article, that I think Marshall using her own voice as background vocals is brilliant. As Marshall sings I can see to mini-Marshall pips swaying in the background. It really creates a beautifully classic sound.
Anyway, the album is great, and it rekindled my love of Chan Marshall's music. After You Are Free I felt a little luke warm towards Cat Power. It was a good album, but not enough to keep me interested. This album completely turned that all around. Here's a few tracks to sample (that's for you ZT!). Definitely worth checking out.
Cat Power - The Moon
Cat Power - After It All
Check it out. If you like it, buy the album. I can't promote this music enough.
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