Saturday, February 25, 2006


So, it's been a while since I've posted, and you might have noticed that I haven't put up a setlist in quite some time. The reason for this is that my last show (on the 16th) was done in a very tired and cranky sort of way. I've been insanely busy, and it's affected my early morning DJ gig. It actually makes me sit down and think about how long I can keep this up. But that's another story. This last week, the craziest of all weeks, I called up fellow DJ Jim (who normally spins right after I do at 6 a.m. on Fridays, and who always puts together a great set) to fill in. First let me say, all hail Jim for helping me out this week! I could not have maintained my sanity (or my general being-awakeness) without his help!

So that's two weeks with no setlist, and a number of things have cropped up, so I thought I'd just do a quick post highlighting some interesting things that have been happening in my absence of post:

  • First, if you haven't noticed, I've added a feature to this page: a random fact from our friends at Gullible Info. Gullible is a great site that provides five completely true facts every day. The website is for real so. The link works I'm not tricking you. Well, in their infinite wisdom, they decided to create a random fact generator for people to put on their blogs and websites. If you're interested in adding a random fact generator to your blog click here!. If you've never heard of Gullible, hop on by to see what crazy brilliant facts and trivia bits they've come up with. Just this week they posted a history of the Holy Grail that's really worth your time.

  • I Guess I'm Floating posted some new Flaming Lips tracks from their forthcoming album At War With The Mystics. Each track for me has moments that get me a little excited, and moments that make me slightly wary. It's no news to me that the Lips are a bunch of freakin' hippies (nothin' wrong with that!) but the "Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" might be just a little bit over the top lyrically speaking. If you gave a gander at their "Bohemian Rhapsody" cover, that'll give you a pretty good idea as to what their new stuff sounds like.

  • Speaking of I Guess I'm Floating they posted a track just this week from Final Fantasy. It's a cover of a song by Joanna Newsome, and marks the end of the conflict that FF and I have had for some time now. Previously I had beef with the dude for running around fronting on my man Andrew Bird's musical stylings. This track has proven that FF (look man, I just can't write those two words that often... we can have peace, but get a new name will ya?) is pretty durned compelling. I should note how reasonable and flexible I was with this peace treaty, given that FF refused to sign my "I'll Never Be As Cool As Andrew Bird" contract. But here at Discord/Harmony we like to focus on the harmony... You can listen to the track here

  • Bubba over at Watch Out For Snakes ran a nice series of posts this last month on his favorite albums from high school. I've considered following suit, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a list that is both representitive, truthful and not completely embarassing. I think what I may do is put together a list of albums from college that changed my life and subsequently influenced all musical interests to follow. Anyway, hop over to Bubba's place and check out what he's been up to. But don't expect any kind words about Petra Haden or any of her family over there. Seething hatred I tell you... seething hatred.

  • On the blog front, U.N. Spacy has had a fantastic run of posts lately. Oh wait. Typo. I meant to write, "U.N. Spacy hasn't posted anything in for freaking ever." It's just a few keystrokes different between those two sentences. Jack McKinney blames this on pending nuptuals, but anyone that's met the dude knows that no woman would be fool enough to marry him anyway. After all, who could compare to LiLo in Jack's eyes? So I'm guessing that he's spending most of his time posing as a Salvation Army bell-ringer and using the money on strip clubs and shady back alley dealings.

  • And finally... coming up in the future I'm hoping to do yet another One Band / One Hour show, this time featuring Petra Haden's harmony-singin', violin-fiddlin' and classic song-coverin' stylings. I really owe my rekindled love of Petra Haden to Bubba over at Watch Out For Snakes. I've been listening to my old that dog. albums quite frequently as of late and it's brought me happiness and joy like few other things can. Those Haden sisters know how to slap together some great music.

  • Posts for the next couple weeks may be fairly scattered. I like to keep things rolling, and keep writing as much as I can, but I've got two big projects coming up. If you hear about a madman in Eugene that finally lost it and goes on a drunken rampage through the town muttering "starke and finke... mumble mumble... feldman... harrisburg... mumble... presentation... mumblegrumble... population growth..." it means I've finally gone off the deep end.


At 7:34 AM, Blogger ZT Krugman said...

I'd say you going over the deep end would make me stop checking out this blog, but I know that isn't even remotely true. Good to see you back though!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Aaron Burkhalter said...

I think going off the deep end probably won't happen. Getting a low grade is probably the worst case scenario, but I'm slowly decreasing those chances by renouncing the internet and other such distractions in favor of reading dense research books with which to write me papers...

I may speak jibberish for a while, but one spring break vacation should take care of all that.

Thanks for reading the site btw!


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