Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Miss Courtney has once again attempted to pull me out of the blogger void. Yes it has been some time, and I really should be here more considering my lack of writing.

The fool even said I could write about Andrew Bird, and believe me with a new live album out, and being featured on four tracks of Dosh's new album The Lost Take not to mention having seen him live twice last month, there was much to write about.

But I think I'd be more interested in seeking out other topics. But in the meantime, a wee update.

I'm working at an organization called the FaithTrust Institute as an office temp. They are fully aware of my journalistic ambitions and I'm keeping them in the loop on my application and interview process, and are ready for me to up and leave for something new. It's a great place to be in the mean time.

I'm pursuing four different things in the journalism world, one writing arts for a nearby newspaper. We're keeping our fingers crossed. I've expanded my search to include radio opportunities and internships.

Megan has not yet gone completely insane from working so hard, but I'm quite convinced that she's meandering close to that line. But it's all getting much easier.

That's the news from Lake Woe-be-gone. I'll have some more interesting updates coming this week.


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