Saturday, October 28, 2006

Vicki Brown

So I've been called "old" by someone for discovering music via NPR. I'd like to point out that this individual that SOME would call a "sibling" which is a French word meaning "big stupid idiot person" has been doing New York Times crosswords for a good 5-plus years now. Fogie.

But, that said, I discovered NPR's Open Mic program and discovered some nice music from it, one album of which I may seek out and purchase.

Vicki Brown's fiddle stylings appeal to me quite nicely, as do many who don the horse hair instrument, namely Owen Pallette (who has a band name I avoid saying), Petra Haden and someone who is named far too often on this blog.

Although each of the above initially grabbed my interest by their choice of instrument, each showed in their own way that they had far more to offer than the fiddle. Owen Pallette with his obscure and atheistic lyrics over chamber music style pop, Petra Haden with her vocal harmonies and her brilliant idea to transform famous pop songs into vocal orchestras and the latter unnamed for reasons far too oft-cited on this blog.

Though I have yet to fall on my knees and worship the ground Brown walks on (having only heard a handful of her tracks) she's got my initial interest, and her take on sound seems to be instrumental ambience in a very experimental folk sort of way. It's all very pleasant, without being uninteresting.

Check out her music at that news agency for old people or on her MySpace Page. I'm particularly fond of "Take Flight."

Sibling... you can skip all that and just go here.


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