Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Christmas Conspiracy

Salon had an extensive article today about the debate over the secularization of Christmas. The article can be found here.

It's times like these that I am at a near loss for words. I find it ironic how pervasive Christmas has become, even here in the Northwest which sports the highest number of unchurched people, to then see the religious right coming out about a "conspiracy" fronted by liberals and the ACLU to squelch Christian belief.

I can't articulate my feelings very well, because they're very strong and wide in scope. To sum up my thoughts simply: I would hope the Christian right would have something better to do with their time than get upset at Target for saying "Happy Holidays." I can't see why battles like this become priority over, oh I don't know, feeding the poor, and spreading goodwill among the people. I can't seem to find that point in the Bible in which Jesus says that we have to defend Christmas against the evil-doing secularists. What I do often find in the Bible is Jesus griping about big headed religious leaders, and just as often, warning the disciples against flaunting their beliefs publicly.


At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Christian right does have better things to do with their time than complaining about wording of a well-meant salutation. Like feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, forgiving the prostitute, etc. Unfortunately, that work is being neglected and their slack has to be picked up by the Christian left. Which quite frankly, although it's against everything that's stood for, the Christian left needs more recognition and should demand to be called the Christian left.


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