Friday, May 19, 2006

Needing a break...

Hi all,

I've been rather sporadic about my posting lately, and I thought it was a good time to just pack it in for two weeks. I'm in the middle of my final project for my masters degree, and it is, or should be, taking up all of my time. Keeping up with posting my shows has not been working, and I found myself much less stressed out this morning when I did not record the show, and did not worry about distributing it online.

So for the next two weeks I'll be heavy into research and writing. The results are not as entertaining as you might hope, but if anyone is interested in the population growth patters of two small towns in Oregon, I'm your man.

After the next two weeks I'll have quite a bit of free time, and I've got some nice plans worked out for this blog. Treats will come at a much better rate at that time. The next time you'll see me, I imagine, will be a posting for my last KWVA show. I'm sad to leave, but somehow I think a 3 hour commute from Astoria, on top of the show being at 4 a.m. just doesn't seem like it's going to work. But again, with the loss of one thing I've got big plans for another. Just stay tuned for my upcoming surprise starting this summer!

Also, I do have another blog, and I'm required to keep updating it for a class I'm in, so I will be posting on Because NPR Always Ignores My Submissions during the next two weeks. I will be writing mainly on media and journalism. It's a bit of a soapbox site, but that's the way it goes.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the other side of this crazy school tunnel! If you hear about a young man finally snapping and rampaging the city of Eugene in the next couple weeks, let's hope it's not me!

Your blogger,


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