Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Brian Wilson Doll

Pitchfork always helps us remember where we should draw the line. A Brian Wilson doll is where my line sits.

I tend to go on fandome kicks. Elliott Smith, Miles Davis, Brian Wilson and Andrew Bird have all had peaks in my obsessiveness to the point of irritating those around me, but I have yet to purchase an action figure, such as the one pictured above and discussed in this pitchfork article. It's these things that remind me to ease up on the obsessiveness, and feel a little better knowing that there are those out there (300 of them in this case) who would blow their money on such a product.

A little amusement for you on post election day/day of rumsfeld's much awaited resignation. Next week I'm going to do a series of posts I'd like to call "The Unusual" in my attempt to find some new music to whet my audio appetite... Who knows... I may even post about Masonna... but my ear isn't so neglected that it's turned to noise yet...


At 5:21 AM, Blogger Courtney said...

this is such a random thing, but have you listened to the Dixie Chicks' album? I'm not a country person and never have been, and I haven't thoroughly listened to the whole album. Generally, I have heard they would have done better to allow others to help them on the lyrics.

But on a song like 'Not Ready to Make Nice,' its a wonderfully personal piss off to all their dissenters and I listen to it quite frequently.

btw, you are a bigger geek than I if you know and reference geflings decades post-Dark Crystal. (Although I am certain Megan would dispute that, having lived me with those two years in college and witnessing multifarious High Geek moments.)

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Aaron Burkhalter said...

I haven't heard this particular song, and like you, I've only heard a few tracks here and there.

That said, it's interesting that you brought it up because there's a documentary I want to see about all the aftermath of the Dixie Chicks talking some smack on the president.

I'll have to peep it out...

As for The Dark Crystal (a.k.a. the best freaking anything by Jim Henson EVER!!!!) I've no shame in my geekiness... the dark crystal freaking rules... if we were in person I'd be running around going "Geeeeelflinggsss... mmmMMMMMmmmmmm...."


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